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Crossroads: Reason Foundation Director discusses latest transportation investment trends

In the latest edition of Infralogic’s Crossroads podcast, Robert W. Poole, Jr., Director of Transportation Policy at The Reason Foundation, discusses some of the key findings from their recently released Annual Privatization Report: 2024: Transportation Finance.

Poole discusses the major findings in the report regarding infrastructure investment funds, looks at trends in pension fund investments, and examines what further trends may surface this year.

Poole also talks about the report’s findings regarding greenfield P3 projects in the US and expresses optimism about the P3 project pipeline this year. He singles out Georgia’s continuing work on highway P3s, as well as Tennessee’s upcoming procurement for “Choice,” or managed lanes P3s.

He also looks at the increasing focus in the US on revenue risk highway P3s, and the reasons some states are favoring revenue risk over availability payment models.

Poole also gives his thoughts on the role infrastructure and P3s might play in this year’s presidential election.

To listen to the podcast, click here.