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Crossroads: Accelerating project development with Deal Rocket

Amid huge, anticipated load growth in the US, Siemens Energy’s project acceleration program Deal Rocket is taking a fastest-to-market approach to energy development, venture lead and Director of Private Equity Raj Lall told Infralogic.

“The market is paying a very significant premium for niche strategies and innovation that gets power to market quickly,” Lall said on the Crossroads podcast. “Because of this excess demand coming in, the balance is shifting toward the demand side.”

Deal Rocket works with independent developers on siting, integrated development, and capital sourcing to make projects bankable faster. The company works in wind, solar and battery storage, but has seen an increase in gas turbine demand and is also working toward viable business models in green hydrogen.

Deal Rocket itself, owned 100% by Siemens Energy, is exploring different spinout options for a transaction to take place in the next 12 months, Lall said.

“We are exploring the options of getting permanent capital, committed capital, to Deal Rocket,” Lall said. The amount of capital that we need for a project-deal pipeline is getting to a stage where we need external committed capital.”

To listen to the podcast, click here.